
2023 Show Dates

Wonky Paw Creations has begun setting up our show dates for 2023. At this time the tentative shows we will attend are as follows:

  • June 25th Plymouth Pride Festival (we are advised this year it is being held at the Mayflower Brewery in Plymouth, MA). This is one of our 3 favorite shows)
  • 4 tentative dates TBD at The Little Red Schoolhouse in Cedarville (Plymouth, MA). 2 dates in July and 2 in August.
  • September 10th at the Plymouth Public Library
  • September 11th at the Freetown Historical Society in Assonet, MA
  • October 1st at the Sheep Pasture – Ames Clock Farm (National Resources Trust) in North Easton, MA
  • November 4th at North Plymouth High School annual fall all Homemade Art Festival
  • December 1st and 2nd at the 47th Annual Holiday Fair at Durfee High School in Fall River, MA

I will be updating this list as show dates are confirmed. Thanks to everyone who comes to see us. We are always happy to chat and offer advise where requested, as well as to discuss any repairs or commission pieces you have in mind.

One reply on “2023 Show Dates”

I need to make a correction about the location the Pride Festival this year (2023). The Festival will again be held at Nelson Park on the Plymouth Waterfront on 6/25/23 from 11:00 AM to 5 PM. Sorry for any confusion. The information I initially received about the location for this year (above) was incorrect.

We will be in attendance at the annual Strawberry Festival in Assonet at the Freetown Town Green on Sunday, 6/18/23

Also, please note that the art show at Hedge House on 6/10/213 has been cancelled by the Sunshine Rotary Club for this year due to the traffic, parking and pedestrian issues being caused by the downtown road construction. Thank you.

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